Five weeks on and I'm pleased to report that all's still well. The worms are alive and thriving and we're putting in nearly all of the waste from the kitchen. Last week I added some lime mix to control acidity and gave everything a good stir. There's a slight odour and one or two fruit flies when the top's opened but nothing excessive.
I read somewhere that it's a good idea to keep the tap used to drain leachate (proper term for "worm juice",) open all the time to improve air circulation. It also acts as an overflow if the sump at the bottom of the wormery becomes too full. Sounds like a good idea although we have no leachate yet.
Finally, we've just taken delivery of the Council's green waste bin. At this rate we reckon that we'll only need to put out our ordinary rubbish bin once every four or five weeks. The only thing we seem to throw away, apart from food waste that can't be put in the wormery, are non-recyclable plastic items and the odd bit of household junk.